Code snippets
A wonderful example of how to use solve loading dependency problem in python. link
def discover_scrapers(token):
scrapers = []
for filepath in pathlib.Path(".").glob("*.py"):
mod = importlib.import_module(filepath.stem)
# if there's a load_scrapers() function, call that
if hasattr(mod, "load_scrapers"):
# Otherwise instantiate a scraper for each class
for klass in mod.__dict__.values():
if (
issubclass(klass, Scraper)
and klass.__module__ != "disaster_scrapers"
except TypeError:
return scrapers
An example on how to make sure the input variable is in accordance with the expected value.
rate_re = re.compile(r'([\d]+)/([\d]*)([smhd])?')
def _split_rate(rate):
if isinstance(rate, tuple):
return rate
count, multi, period = rate_re.match(rate).groups()
count = int(count)
if not period:
period = 's'
seconds = _PERIODS[period.lower()]
if multi:
seconds = seconds * int(multi)
return count, seconds