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Designing Data intensive Application

  • Describing Performance
    • When you increase a load parameter and keep the system resources (CPU, mem‐ ory, network bandwidth, etc.) unchanged, how is the performance of your system affected?
    • When you increase a load parameter, how much do you need to increase the resources if you want to keep performance unchanged?


  • throughput—the number of records we can process per second
  • response time—the time between a client sending a request and receiving a response.
  • the mean is not a very good metric if you want to know your “typi‐ cal” response time, because it doesn’t tell you how many users actually experienced that delay.
  • 50 percentile → Median
  • there is no such thing as a generic, one-size-fits-all scalable architecture. Depends Upon:
    • volume of reads,
    • the volume of writes,
    • the volume of data to store,
    • the complexity of the data,
    • the response time requirements,
    • the access patterns, or (usually) some mixture of all of these plus many more issues.
  • The reason ID is prefered that a Enum for (which is meaning for to human) is because the thing that has meaning to human might require changing → which will need to change a lot of places. A good monk would be a mild sort of fellow, a bit of a sensualist, capable of compassion for the world, but also for himself. He would know that it is all right not to climb every mountain. — location: 43 ^ref-20925

A good monk would know that contentment is easier to attain than happiness, and that it is enough. — location: 45 ^ref-20472